Gator cuts through noise and misinformation, to distill valuable insights you can trust. 

It all starts with a question popping up in your head…

It all starts with a question
popping up in your head…

Asked by

Top answer reveals in 2hrs 32mins

Asked by @InfoSeeker

Top answer reveals in 12hrs 42mins

Asked by @CryptoSolStar

Top answer reveals in 7hrs 32mins

Asked by @SocialNomad

Top answer reveals in 2hrs 32mins

Asked by @LunaLuxe

Top answer reveals in 1hrs 12mins



Search by question, filter by tag, and turn notifications on for people you follow. 

Tailor your feed, earn points, and expand your knowledge all at once.

Search by question, filter by tag, and turn notifications on for people you follow. 

Tailor your feed, earn points, and expand your knowledge all at once.



No FOMO, pure signal.

Gator is the antidote to web2 social media. Gator incentivizes users directly for distilling information that helps your decision-making. Customize your questions to unlock the most insightful answers.

No FOMO, pure signal.

Gator is the antidote to web2 social media. Gator incentivizes users directly for distilling information that helps your decision-making. Customize your questions to unlock the most insightful answers.



Earn yield, grow reputation, and empower your community to cut through the noise.

Playing social predication game has never been more rewarding.

Earn yield, grow reputation, and empower your community to cut through the noise.

Playing social predication game has never been more rewarding.



The more you know, the more you earn.

You don’t need to be an influencer to grow on Gator. You just need to be right. And you already know you are.

The more you know, the more you earn.

You don’t need to be an influencer to grow on Gator. You just need to be right. And you already know you are.



Trust? Earned

Clout? Earned

Income? Earned

Your reputation score showcases your expertise, while your badges reveal your social connections.

As your Gator profile profile grows, so does your earning potential on Gator, and elsewhere.

Trust? Earned

Clout? Earned

Income? Earned

Your reputation score showcases your expertise, while your badges reveal your social connections.

As your Gator profile profile grows, so does your earning potential on Gator, and elsewhere.

Choose your own adventure

Choose your
own adventure

  • NaviGator

    Backs others' answers

  • NaviGator

    Gives answers

  • InvestiGator

    Browses for questions and answers

  • InvestiGator

    Asks questions

  • NaviGator

    Backs others' answers

  • NaviGator

    Gives answers

  • InvestiGator

    Browses for questions and answers

  • InvestiGator

    Asks questions

Into a high-signal social network based on interests or expertise

Into an expert network, facilitating more tailored insights for users

Into a portfolio of knowledge-based social games 

To power LLMs with validated opinions and prevent poisonous data 

To power social networks and DAO tools to better derive experience, competency and trust between users

and…much more!

Gator could evolve…

Gator could evolve…

Into a high-signal social network based on interests or expertise

Into an expert network, facilitating more tailored insights for users

Into a portfolio of knowledge-based social games 

To power LLMs with validated opinions and prevent poisonous data 

To power social networks and DAO tools to better derive experience, competency and trust between users

and…much more!

Join the waitlist.

Join the waitlist.

Sign up to receive updates on Gator’s progress and be the first to try Gator’s MVP!

Sign up to receive updates on Gator’s progress and be the first to try Gator’s MVP!

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